News & Announcements

!!! Help Save The Bundy Museum !!!

Pointillism Lives! - The Art of Marek -
Virtual Tour
A Retrospective: Photography by Bill Mutch - Virtual Tour
Portals: by Colette Chermak - Virtual Tour
Dual Realities: Photographyby Kaitlyn Hession - Virtual Tour

NYSCA MANY Partnership Grants for Capacity Building June 2022

WordPlace is seeking a short school bus to be modeled into a “BannedBookmobile!!

The Rod Serling Archive at the Bundy Museum Presents

In the Zone: Rod Serling In Radio / An Evening Of Old Time Radio

Hosted by Michael Pipher (Serling Archivist & Historian)
Special Guests: Johnny & Helen Holmes

Saturday October 3, 2019
Doors at 5:30PM
Program at 6PM
$5.00 suggested donation

Located in the Bundy Museum Annex Theatre
(Behind the Museum)

Part I

  • Rare radio clips of Rod Serling as an actor from the 1946 radio series
    Return Society: "Stolen Radio" (6min)

  • A 30 minute full radio program written by Rod Serling
    It Happens To You (The Human Comedy) "You’ll Be The Bad Guy” narrated by Peter Grant

Part II

  • Special guests Johnny & Helen Holmes provide a sampling of two episodes from the golden age of radio in their presentation of "An Evening Of Old Time Radio"

    • The Hall Of Fantasy - "He Who Follows Me"

    • X Minus One - "Tunnel Under The World"