News & Announcements

!!! Help Save The Bundy Museum !!!

Pointillism Lives! - The Art of Marek -
Virtual Tour
A Retrospective: Photography by Bill Mutch - Virtual Tour
Portals: by Colette Chermak - Virtual Tour
Dual Realities: Photographyby Kaitlyn Hession - Virtual Tour

NYSCA MANY Partnership Grants for Capacity Building June 2022

WordPlace is seeking a short school bus to be modeled into a “BannedBookmobile!!

WBDY-LP is a project of the Bundy Museum of History and Art.
Support community radio.


Thank you to our underwriters!

To support programming on WBDY-LP with your tax-deductible underwriting dollars, click the button below.

WBDY-LP 99.5 FM “The Bundy” is a non-commercial, community radio station devoted to enriching the Binghamton area’s artistic and intellectual life. We are a platform for local program hosts and the community to share their passions, knowledge, art, and perspective with Broome County and the national community radio scene through the Pacifica Network, of which WBDY is a part. What started out as an experiment by one of the Southern Tier’s premier historic destinations, WBDY features a full slate of music, informational, and cultural programming.

WBDY’s mission is to showcase Broome County’s vibrant arts and music community; explore Upstate New York’s unique history and culture; assist our communities in bringing good into the world; and be a platform and creative outlet for the Binghamton community. We foster informed public debate and a more joyful, musical, artistic, and socially conscious Broome County; bring high quality, thoughtful music, and informational programming to our community; and provide access to the airwaves for underrepresented social groups, voices, perspectives, and audio genres.

To fulfill its mission, WBDY-LP:

Highlights area talent through locally produced programming.
Our prime-time daily morning program, The Bundy Radio Hour, features interviews with local creators, musicians, artists, dynamic personalities, event organizers, and community leaders. Additionally, WBDY-LP works with community partners to record and broadcast local events, bringing conversations to a wider audience. Many events at the Bundy Museum of History and Art are also aired on WBDY-LP.

Broadcasts and cultivates local radio talent.
WBDY-LP is a community project and invites community members to join us as hosts, producers, and technicians. We broadcast several locally produced programs, like Poetry in Commotion, Main Drag, After Hours, and Halfway to Jackson. Let us help you develop a one-off broadcast, regularly scheduled program, or featured segment!

Promotes local events.
We offer radio promotions to community organizations.

Plays and records local music, and lots of it!
Twice daily, WBDY-LP promotes the Southern Tier music scene during the Audio Classics Local Music Hour, playing album tracks and pre-recorded concerts and sets. All musical events at the Bundy Museum, including the annual events Porchfest and the Art of Binghamton Music Fest, are broadcast live!

Offers a diverse range of nationally broadcast radio shows.
Thanks to our affiliation with the Pacifica Network, listeners can hear programs like Blue Light Central, Against the Grain, and Democracy Now!. You’ll also hear independently produced programs like Acoustic Café, A Way with Words, and Clearing the Static.

Builds community.
Community radio means community. Maintaining and expanding the Bundy Radio project requires volunteers, content creators, and community partners. WBDY-LP welcomes volunteers and program ideas. We also encourage organizations to share their events for our regularly broadcast community calendar. Donations and program underwriting are other ways for businesses and individuals to invest in local arts and culture.